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雙‘喜’臨門|再獲全國英文演講 & 拼詞大會總決賽佳績!

 發(fā)布于:2024-05-17 16:48  瀏覽:273次
編者按:2024希望之星英文演講全國總決賽以及Spelling Bee拼詞大會正式謝幕。在這個賽季,我們又再次見證了同學(xué)們在英語能力上和應(yīng)變能力上的卓越提升。鍛煉同學(xué)們的意志力,收獲了豐碩成績,在全國總決賽的賽場上,嘉興市青鳥同文實驗學(xué)校學(xué)生不負眾望,從來自全國各省的近萬名參賽者中突破重重困境,一路過關(guān)斬將,榮獲多枚獎牌,這也是我校連續(xù)四年代表嘉興市,突圍浙江省,進軍全國總決賽!











特等獎 G8 Avaneesh



G7 Kayla, G9 Lenny 迪麗拜爾,  G7 Cherry 徐韻淇, Lucy S  沙梓馨



G8  Cindy 干芯琳 Kevin 李賀強)G7  Lucy K 康惠蘭, G9 Allen 吳雨琛





一等獎 G10   Irene 張逸含






1. 特等獎 G8  Avaneesh

I am very exultant of my score, however this record wouldn't be even attainable without my forbearing mentors and my amiable peers during this period. First of all, my mentor, Ms Viya, who selflessly tutored me day by day in those steep challenges with patience and resilience. It wouldn't be even possible without your guidance. I would also like to thank Mr Richard and Ms Emma for providing valuable suggestions which were very helpful during this time. Next I would like to thank my peers who gave me the sense of rigor competitiveness on and off the stage and gave me the vision to stride off my limits and take me to the next level. This preparation not only gave me the sense of public speaking, but also fostered my growth in various outlooks in daily life.


2. 一等獎 G10  Irene

It is my great honor to win this award, which makes me more confident and more passionate about English. Thanks to my English teachers for caring  and encouragement. Success cannot be achieved without their guidance. 



Spelling Bee拼詞大會全國總決賽










作為浙江省個人賽區(qū)派出選手最多的學(xué)校,我們有4名優(yōu)秀選手在五一期間前往北京參加了全國總決賽。在全國Spelling Bee個人賽初中組的百人角逐中,經(jīng)過多輪激烈競爭,我校的4名選手最終躋身全國68強,斬獲卓越獎項,為他們的學(xué)習(xí)生涯又增添了一枚重要的獎杯!




我們還創(chuàng)下了第一次參與全美Spelling Bee的歷史紀(jì)錄。Sophia、Cindy、Sheldon和Emma在決賽中表現(xiàn)出色,獲得了赴美國參加全美Spelling Bee挑戰(zhàn)賽的資格。


加之去年獲得全國8強的選手Avaneesh,我校共有5名選手將代表浙江省賽區(qū)赴美參加全球Spelling Bee盛會。這不僅是學(xué)校建校以來第一次有5名代表參賽,更是一次挑戰(zhàn)與拼搏的歷史性時刻,展現(xiàn)了我校學(xué)生的卓越實力和無限潛能。






一等獎 G7 Kayla / G9 Lenny 迪麗拜爾/ G7 Cherry 徐韻淇 Lucy S 沙梓馨


二等獎 G8 Cindy 干芯琳/ Kevin 李賀強/ G7 Lucy K康惠蘭/ G9 Allen 吳雨琛




一等獎 G10 Irene 張逸含












1.  G8 Sophia 

I am immensely grateful for having made it to the Spelling Bee final. This journey has been a challenging yet rewarding experience that has allowed me to grow both academically and personally. Even though that I did not get my ideal score, I am still very happy that I have made it to the final and I also want to thank my teacher for helping me preparing for final. 


2.  G7 Sheldon

In the first three days of May, my heart is filled with joy and gratitude. This time, I was fortunate enough to qualify for Beijing to participate in the Spelling Bee National Finals, which was a great honor for me. Although I did not make it to the national top 20 finals, I still felt very happy and satisfied.


Participating in the Spelling Bee competition is not only a chance to challenge yourself, but also a stage to show your talent. In this process, I not only learned more words and spelling skills, but more importantly, I learned the spirit of persistence and not giving up. Every game is a process of growth, and every failure is a valuable experience.


I would like to thank my family, teachers and friends for their support and encouragement. It is your support that keeps me going and makes me believe that my dream will come true. There is still a long way to go, but I will go on firmly, not forget the original heart, and forge ahead. Let us believe that tomorrow will be better! Thank you all!


3.  G8 Cindy

It is a great honor for me to participate in the Spelling Bee national competition in Beijing this time. This is my first time entering this competition in three years of participating in Spelling Bee, and I am very happy. I am particularly grateful to Ms. Viya and Mr Richard's guidance during regular classes and assistance after class. At the same time, I believe that this competition is a great challenge and opportunity for exercise. Although I didn't achieve very good results, But I made many new friends and also met many strong opponents in this competition. Next time, I will work harder to prepare and hope to achieve a good result!







English Teacher

English Dept. Head

I have really enjoyed working with this year’s Spelling Bee students – they worked hard to improve their vocabulary and to learn the patterns (and oddities!) of English spelling. This hard work was rewarded with a trip to Beijing but their dedication will also help improve their reading, writing and listening skills for years to come. Congratulations Cindy, Sheldon and Sophia! I am very proud of you all.


I would like to congratulate all the students who took part in this year’s speech contest. I really admire students that are willing to put in the extra time and effort in order to improve their writing and speaking skills. Some of our students will go on to the regional contest in Hangzhou, but any student that has taken part has definitely helped to improve their own English. Congratulations public speakers of Tongwen School. I salute your bravery and diligence!

我真的很喜歡和今年拼寫比賽的學(xué)生們一起工作——他們努力提高詞匯量,學(xué)習(xí)英語拼寫的模式(和不常見的!)他們的努力得到了一次北京之旅的回報,但他們的奉獻精神也將幫助他們在未來幾年提高閱讀、寫作和聽力技能。恭喜Cindy, Sheldon 和Sophia! 我為你們感到驕傲。




Viya 韋維

MS ESL Teacher

G8 Homeroom Teacher

看到孩子們?nèi)〉玫闹T多成就,我非常高興。首先,我要向獲得Spelling Bee 卓越獎的4名同學(xué)表示祝賀。作為帶隊老師,一起前往北京比賽,我見證了他們一路過關(guān)斬將,最終獲得屬于他們的勝利。這樣的成績不僅彰顯了他們的個人英文水平,也為我們學(xué)校增添了不少榮譽。








ESL Teacher
